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Building land

Building land sell Switzerland

Are you an owner of building land and interested in selling your property?
Are you looking for building land in Switzerland for your future home?
We are your competent partner when it comes to building land.

Our advantages to sell building land / building plot:

Um den grösstmöglichen Ertrag zu erzielen und mögliche Risiken zu minimieren, empfehlen wir sowohl Privatpersonen als auch Unternehmen eine Bauberatung zu Rate zuziehen. Mit unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung und unserem exklusiven Kundenservice stehen wir Ihnen tatkräftig zur Seite.

We sell your building land / building plot


Sale 100% commission-free with tender of own projects


Complete processing incl. prescription

Building land for your future home

With us at your side, you will quickly and efficiently find the right property for your dream home in Switzerland. Our wide range of offers on our website already provides you with possible options. If you have any questions about building land, you can contact our experienced consultants at any time. You will receive expert support with which you can plan the implementation of your building project in detail in advance

Find the right property

When searching for building land, there are important criteria that should be considered. First of all, there is the question of how to find the land. There are different possibilities for this. The most common method are the many real estate portals on the net. Here you will find many offers from reputable providers in various cantons of Switzerland.

With automated search orders, e.g. on Comparis, you will regularly be sent offers that match your criteria. So you won’t miss any more building land for your future home.

Another option to look for a suitable property is to get information directly from municipalities and cities. They still have many plots of land, which are also presented on their websites.

In addition there is the possibility actively a search in the net to switch. With the indication of the desired criteria owners of building land can set themselves directly with you in connection.

Criteria for the choice of building land

Buying building land is not only a question of money, other factors also play an important role in the choice of land. After all, you want to build your new home here and that should suit your life.

One of the most important criteria is the infrastructure and location of the building land. In addition to the price, this factor will determine your everyday life. For example, the distance to schools, your workplace or the nearest shopping opportunity. You can already see such information in the development plan.

In addition to the current infrastructure, it is advisable to inform in advance about future building projects about the development plan for the selected area. So you know already today whether the country will be surrounded by other buildings in a few years, near the motorway or still a good investment.

The condition of the building land is an essential criterion in the decision to buy. After all, this can have a strong impact on the additional costs.
Last but not least, the costs and the available budget are decisive for the choice of the area on which your home should stand. A better infrastructure usually means a higher purchase price.

Terms around the building land

With the purchase of a property is not always the right to build. Therefore, it is important to inform yourself in advance about the name and the types of land.

In a building land is meant a land area that is already built or the building is possible. This area has a legal development plan and is already developed by the municipality.
The building land has a legal development plan, but the development is not complete yet. This may be done by the builder.

A farm maintenance land is an area that should have a building permit in the future. However, there is no guarantee for this and may never be awarded.
Furthermore, there are land, which are provided by the municipality with usage restrictions. These areas serve a specific purpose and can not be built on an individual basis. These include, for example, agricultural land, garden plots or water properties.

Steigerung des Immobilienwerts

Durch effiziente Planung und die Vermeidung von Baumängeln können Sie langfristig den Wert Ihrer Immobilie steigern. Dies kann besonders ausschlaggebend werden, wenn Sie sich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt für den Verkauf entscheiden sollten.

Unsere professionelle Bauberatung stellt sicher, dass Sie einfach und unkompliziert Ihre Ziele erreichen. Dabei bleiben wir transparent, professionell, flexibel und jeder Zeit ansprechbar. Ob Sie sich für einen vorgefertigten Plan entscheiden oder ganz am Anfang beginnen: Setzten Sie sich mit unseren kompetenten Kundenberatern in Verbindung und wagen Sie den ersten Schritt zu Ihrer neuen Immobilie.

Building land for sale

Building land for sale

  • Contact details

  • Details of the building land

Contact Information

We help you with our experience and possibilities to your dream house!

Contact us today and arrange a non-binding appointment with one of our consultants.


German-speaking Switzerland


058 255 06 55



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Building land offers

For the selection of the building land not only the size and the price are decisive. Solar radiation, tax burden, connections to motorways or public transport are also very important criteria.

We want to find these out with you in order to build your dream house on the right building land. So that you can enjoy it for a long time!

TraumHausBauen.ch offers you the possibility to
build an affordable individualized dream house.

Contact TraumHausBauen.ch

We are happy to realize your personally adapted dream house together with you. Get in touch with us today:


058 255 06 55

